The Super Mario animated film from Illumination is officially slated for release sometime in 2022, with creator Shigeru Miyamoto serving as a producer.
After almost a year without any new Marvel Cinematic Universe content, we now have confirmation that WandaVision will still be released this year. The Disney+ series lead by Elizabeth Olsen as “Scarlet Witch” and Paul Bettany as “Vision” had recently been included in a promo for their remaining slate of tv shows set for a 2020 release including season two of “The Mandalorian.”
Developed by Polish indie developer IMGN.PRO, Kholat has sold over 700,000 units across PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. In Kholat, you’ll follow the steps of a group of Russian college students that seem to have gone missing. The game is set in February of 1959 and is heavily inspired by the Dyatlov Pass Incident.