With the episode count on WandaVision dwindling down, fans have just been given an update on The Falcon and the Winter Solider’s official rating through a new TV spot for the Marvel Studios’ next highly anticipated Disney+ series.
“Buffy” and “Angel” actor Charisma Carpenter calls out Joss Whedon, claiming he “abused his power on numerous occasion.” Carpenters remarks received an outpour of support, most notably from “Buffy”cast mates and actor Ray Fisher, who has recently voiced his own issues with Joss Whedons behavior on the set of 2017’s Justice League.
After last week’s tease of what Jared Leto’s Joker would look like in Zack Snyder’s Justice League, we now have 2 complete and unblurred photos of what Leto’s Joker will look like in those much talked about Knightmare sequences.
There were recent rumors, some from Snyder himself, that teased Zack Snyder’s Justice League being more “mature” in content and now a new official film listing has revealed that the film will indeed sport a R rated.
With Zack Snyder’s Justice League a little over a month away, the director has now taken to social media to tease one of the newly added members to his cast during that additional photography that took place a few months ago, Jared Leto’s Joker.