Things have been quiet on the Star Wars front lately, but Ewan McGregor provides fans some hope as he reveals when his Disney+ Obi-Wan Kenobi series is set to begin filming.
Wonder Women Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins have just been tapped to bring another strong woman’s story to the big screen .. this time it’s the Queen of Egypt herself, Cleopatra.
Earlier this week, Alan Moore, Watchmen and V for Vendetta’s creator, continued to condemn modern superhero movies, claiming that they “blighted cinema and culture.”
Online retail sites have been promoting Marvel Studios’ upcoming series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier with an official photo credited by Marvel. The image features insight at Bucky’s new look, as well as a peek at Falcon’s original suit.
Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster is returning to the MCU in Thor: Love and Thunder and she may have just revealed what comic book storyline will be influencing her character’s arc throughout the film.