Starting on Wednesday May 27th, Doom Patrol will be available to stream on HBO Max. Season 1 of the show will be available at launch with Season 2 premiering later this year.
Ronald D. Moore, has opened up recently about his experience penning the script for the previously planned Star Wars TV show that would predate “The Mandalorian.”
In February this year, Warner Bros. brought some of DC Comics iconic characters to the big screen with one of them being Helena Bertinelli a.k.a the Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). There have been a few iterations of her and Birds of Prey doesn’t disappoint.
Fisher who played Victor Stone, former superstar athlete that becomes the Cyborg after a horrific accident said “It means the world I know to the Snyders, it means the world to me,” Fisher said after needing to walk of screen to compose himself after his first attempt ended with him tearing up. They were not sad tears; they were that of love. Love for the Snyders and for the fans that supported them during their darkest times.