The Batman Who Laughs With A Batman: The Animated Series Makeover Get your hands on a BTAS style Batman Who Laughs figure this October Continue reading “The Batman Who Laughs With A Batman: The Animated Series Makeover”…
Supergirl Comic Run to be Cancelled Following #42 DC cancels current Supergirl comic – to end May 2020 Continue reading “Supergirl Comic Run to be Cancelled Following #42”…
[REVIEW] Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. [SPOILERS] “Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P.” is a comforting story for fans and the Bat-family themselves. This story (following the events of “City… Continue reading “ Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. ”…
Jeffrey Wright Teases Gordon’s New Bat-Signal in “The Batman” A Batman film is incomplete without a bat signal, and it appears “The Batman” will continue the tradition thanks to a cryptic tweet Continue reading “Jeffrey Wright Teases Gordon’s New Bat-Signal in “The Batman””…
[Review] Batman (2016) #86 [SPOILERS] Spoiler filled review of Batman (2016) #86 Continue reading “ Batman (2016) #86 ”…
‘Batman: The Adventure Continues’ Where the Animated Series Left off Where Batman:The Animated Series left off, the Adventure Continues… Continue reading “‘Batman: The Adventure Continues’ Where the Animated Series Left off”…
Wonder Woman Rocks in New “Death Metal” Promo Art Scott Synder and Greg Capullo team up once again to continue expanding the DC Metal universe with a first look at a new Wonder Woman. Continue reading “Wonder Woman Rocks in New “Death Metal” Promo Art”…
[Retrospective] X-Men: The Animated Series On Halloween in 1992, The very first episode of X-Men aired on Fox Kids. It soon found a special place… Continue reading “ X-Men: The Animated Series”…
Is Marvel’s new Thor comic the start of a DC and Marvel crossover? With the multiverse playing a key role on the pages of Marvel and DC, are we seeing the birth of a new crossover? Continue reading “Is Marvel’s new Thor comic the start of a DC and Marvel crossover?”…
Wally West just became even more insanely powerful Being imbued with ultimate power on top of being a speedster with access to the speed force is definitely a step in the right direction. Continue reading “Wally West just became even more insanely powerful”…