Man Of Steel trailer officially online. The first trailer for the upcoming DC Comics movie, Man of Steel, has now officially appeared online. Check it out… Continue reading “Man Of Steel trailer officially online.”…
[DEBUNKED] [RUMOR] Final Fantasy Versus XIII quietly cancelled and possibly becomes Final Fantasy XV In a controversial twist move, Kotaku is reporting that they have heard from several sources that Square-Enix has let the… Continue reading “ Final Fantasy Versus XIII quietly cancelled and possibly becomes Final Fantasy XV”…
[SDCC 2012] Deadpool Vs. Comic-Con is one of the things I miss most about Comic-Con Deadpool. Deadpool is one of those characters that comes along, and without any warning, does something incredibly awesome and amazingly… Continue reading “ Deadpool Vs. Comic-Con is one of the things I miss most about Comic-Con”…
[TDKR] The Dark Knight Rises gets an epic Ultimate Trilogy Trailer Earlier this week, a trailer debuted for the upcoming movie, The Dark Knight Rises, this new lengthy trailer showcases footage… Continue reading “ The Dark Knight Rises gets an epic Ultimate Trilogy Trailer”…
[SDCC 2012] Batman artist shares via twitter the “highlight of his career” Scott Snyder @Ssnyder1835 The highlight of my career. Here at #sdcc bat-panel. For those who don’t get the reference,… Continue reading “ Batman artist shares via twitter the “highlight of his career””…
[TDKR] Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale discuss the key scene of their Batman trilogy Recently Entertainment Weekly caught up and interviewed both Nolan and Bale in regards to their upcoming conclusion to their Batman… Continue reading “ Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale discuss the key scene of their Batman trilogy”…
[SDCC 2012] The Marvel Panel io9 reports on Marvel’s panel at the 2012 San Diego ComicCon. They cover the announcement of Thor: The Dark World,… Continue reading “ The Marvel Panel”…
[SDCC 2012] Guillermo del Toro wants a Hellyboy 3 Entertainment Weekly had the scoop with their exclusive interview with Ron Perlman and Guillermo del Toro. “The two movies… Continue reading “ Guillermo del Toro wants a Hellyboy 3”…
[SDCC 2012] The Hobbit Panel io9 reports that in the new Hobbit films due out starting this year, Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins steals the… Continue reading “ The Hobbit Panel”…
[SDCC 2012] Man of Steel Panel Zach Snider is making no promises about the future of DC comic movies, but focuses on his current project. It’s… Continue reading “ Man of Steel Panel”…