Young Hero Who Saved Sister Receives Praise from Millions, Including Some of “The Avengers”

In the bleakest of times, some people rise from the darkness to lead the way through the macabre–those people are called heroes. On July 9th, that is exactly what a young boy by the name of Bridger achieved when he risked his life to save his younger sister from a dog attack. His aunt posted the story to social media, and many, including some of The Avengers cast, have reached out to show their love and support for the new hero on the block.
Nikki Walker, the boy’s aunt, posted his story on Instagram and tagged The Avengers actors. The hashtag #bridgerstrong began to trend, and many people and celebrities showed up in full force to support the young hero. The celebrities that have taken to social media to support Bridger include Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr.
Holland invited the young hero to the set of the new Spider-Man. Hemsworth spokefor the entire team, calling Bridger an Avenger. Evans spoke directly to Bridger and promised him a real Captain America shield. Downey Jr., in true Tony Stark fashion, also spoke to Bridger and promised him something better on his next birthday.
Ruffalo said:
“Dear Bridger, I just read about what happened to you and I wanted to reach out to say this… People who put the well beings of others in front of themselves are the most heroic and thoughtful people I know,” he wrote. “I truly respect and admire your courage and your heart. Real courage isn’t dominating people or fighting against people or walking around like a tough guy. Real courage is knowing what is right to do and doing it even when it might end up hurting you somehow. You are more of a man than many, many I have seen or known. With Admiration…Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk/Professor).”
With fear growing due to surging COVID-19 cases, stories like these are more important thsn ever. As of the writing of this article, the initial Instagram post has over 1.4 million likes and is still growing. The heartwarming tale of Bridger’s true heroism in the face of danger is exactly what the world needs right now. This young man did what was right to protect someone who needed his help.
You are one strong kid, and today your story has made the world a better place. I think I speak for all of us here at The Cultured Nerd in wishing Bridger a quick recovery, as well as thanking him for showing us all that not all heroes wear capes! Check out the responses below!
Holland showers the speechless hero in compliments and invites him to the set of Spider-Man 3:
The God of Thunder officially makes him a member of the Avengers:
Captain America offers a real shield to the newest Avenger:
Downey Jr. channeled his inner Iron Man, pledging a birthday present better than a shield:
Sources: and