Leaked Concept Art shows Iron Man’s new suit in Avengers: Age Of Ultron With the production of Avengers: Age Of Ultron already hitting its half-way point, fans have been surprised that very little… Continue reading “Leaked Concept Art shows Iron Man’s new suit in Avengers: Age Of Ultron”…
[Rumor] Potential first look at a Lexcorp building in Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice With Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice already into its filming, set photos seem to be flooding in of whats… Continue reading “ Potential first look at a Lexcorp building in Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice”…
Director Peyton Reed Officially Signs on for Marvel’s Ant-Man; Adam McKay Joins as Writer Looks like the reports from earlier today are true, Marvel has officially announced that Peyton Reed has officially signed on to… Continue reading “Director Peyton Reed Officially Signs on for Marvel’s Ant-Man; Adam McKay Joins as Writer”…
Ghostbusters coming Back to the big screen in honor of its 30th anniversy Finally some good news for Ghostbusters Fan, with the planned third installment stuck in limbo it would seem like there… Continue reading “Ghostbusters coming Back to the big screen in honor of its 30th anniversy”…
[Rumor] Marvel also looking at Tom Hardy and Benedict Cumberbatch for Doctor Strange Last week Marvel revealed that they have finally gotten a director set for the highly anticipated Doctor Strange film.… Continue reading “ Marvel also looking at Tom Hardy and Benedict Cumberbatch for Doctor Strange”…
[Rumor] Lexcorp details for BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE revealed A recent report from Batman-News claims to have details on Lex Luthor and the overall inspiration that Lexcorp will have… Continue reading “ Lexcorp details for BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE revealed”…
[Rumor] Peyton Reed Emerges As Frontrunner On ANT-MAN Marvel’s Ant-Man cant catch a break. After Edgar Wright left the project a short list of directors emerged, but shortly… Continue reading “ Peyton Reed Emerges As Frontrunner On ANT-MAN”…
Mark Hamill talks Star Wars Episode VII In a recent interview speaking to The Orlando Sentinel, actor Mark Hamill (known for playing the main character Luke Skywalker… Continue reading “Mark Hamill talks Star Wars Episode VII”…
The Evolution of the Batmobile On Film The Evolution Of The Batmobile By: Sam Hoober Some recent photos have been released of the new Batmobile, ahead… Continue reading “The Evolution of the Batmobile On Film”…
[Rumor] Nightwing to appear in Arrow Season 3 It comes as no shock that the CW’s hit show Arrow likes using characters from Batman comics. With the show… Continue reading “ Nightwing to appear in Arrow Season 3”…