Patty Jenkins Teases The Return Of Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah In Third ‘Wonder Woman’ Film

Warning! Major spoilers for Wonder Woman 1984 to follow.
With Wonder Woman 1984 being available to the mainstream on HBO Max for a few days now, it’s only natural for fans to wonder what comes next. Shortly after WW84’s release on Christmas day, Warner Bros. officially confirmed that they are moving forward with a third Wonder Woman film with director Patty Jenkins and star Gal Gadot returning respectively. This confirmation all but eliminates the doubt casted by some earlier comments made by Jenkins when asked if she would return to direct a Wonder Woman sequel after her next Star Wars venture, Rogue Squadron. While plot details surrounding the third Wonder Woman film are virtually nonexistent, Jenkins may have given fans a little hint into which character from WW84 may make a return in the Amazon’s next adventure.
During an interview with Den of Geeks, Jenkins teased the possibility of Kristen Wiig’s Barbera Minerva/Cheetah returning for the next installment of the Wonder Woman franchise. You can check out the director’s teasing comments down below.
“I have my reasons for making it ambiguous, and I think it’s not clear what her point of view is on everything that just happened. I love that we wrap up Max Lord’s point of view, and that you see the culmination of that storyline, I think is so important. But the truth is there may or may not be more to come for Barbara”.
WW84 director, Patty Jenkins, on the possibility of Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah returning for the sequel. Via Den of Geeks.
As you may or may not know, the end of WW84 saw Pedro Pascal’s Max Lord renounce all of his wishes in order to save his son, Alistair, but what came of Wiig’s Cheetah is far more unknown. In what ended up being her final shot in the film, Barbara is no longer in her Cheetah form, but it is never directly revealed whether she renounced her wish to achieve this transformation.

Judging by Jenkins’ comments, it appears that this door was left open on purpose, perhaps to provide answers in the next Wonder Woman installment. With some fans expressing that they were pleasantly surprised by Wiig’s performance as one of Wonder Woman’s greatest villains and other fans finding her overall story arc to be underdeveloped attached with bad CGI, it’ll certainly be interesting to see whether the fans embrace the idea of Cheetah’s return in the third Wonder Woman film.
In the meantime you can check out Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot discussing various creative choices they made throughout the creation of their new film that resulted in Jenkins concluding it is Gadot’s “best performance to date” here.
Wonder Woman 1984 is directed by Patty Jenkins and stars Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Pedro Pascal as Maxwell Lord, and Kristen Wigg as Dr. Barbera Minerva / Cheetah. It is currently available in theaters and exclusively on HBO Max.
What did you guys think about Wonder Woman 1984? Would you like to see Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah return for the third Wonder Woman film? As always sound off in the comment section below and remember to tune in right here at The Cultured Nerd for the latest news surrounding Wonder Woman 1984 and its now confirmed sequel.