[TCN’s Cultured Cosplay] Cosplay Chris

Welcome to another weekly edition of TCN’s Cultured Cosplay. In this series we recognize the hard work and talent of various cosplay artists and invite them to share with us their experiences and what makes them do what they clearly love doing.
We at TCN pride ourselves on only releasing verified news and releasing informative, inclusive content. We are a community of nerds doing what we are passionate about and hope to convey that passion to our readers and fellow nerds and in our debut Cosplay Interview column we continue our series with renowned cosplayer Cosplay Chris.

Tell me about yourself and being first introduced to cosplay.
For the longest time I’ve always been fascinated with how movie props and costumes were made. I’ve been building in and off since I was about 12 and it went from metal work to eventually sculpting, molding and casting.
What got you interested in doing cosplay?
I went to a Supanova one year and watched how much fun everyone was having. I never really thought to dress up at a con. But after that weekend I caught the Cosplay Bug.
What was your first cosplay?
My first official cosplay was in 2013 and it was a Nolan version of Robin if he had of appeared in the Dark Knight trilogy! So lots of motorcycle armour pieces.

What was your favorite cosplay/technique you are most proud of?
So far I’m most proud of Whiplash and also Geralt (that I’m currently working on right now).
Do you have any upcoming cosplays you are excited about?
Geralt from the Witcher and also I’m going to cosplay as my logo avatar!
If money and time was no object, what is your dream cosplay?
A fully functional Batsuit, gadgets and all!

What is your favorite experience from doing cosplay?
Meeting some amazing people who I have the privilege of calling friends as well as travelling the world!
What is the most fun about cosplay?
Just the fact that it’s escapism and flexing your creative muscles.
What is the most difficult or challenging thing about cosplay?
Coming up with techniques on the spot and troubleshooting when something doesn’t work. But that’s the fun of it!

What do you like doing when you aren’t working on cosplay projects?
I love keeping fit and active so many a gym session. Seeing my friends and catching up for a few cheeky beers!
What’s your biggest pet peeve at cons?
People coming up and touching your builds without asking or even a “Hello”.

Which con would you most like to visit?
The next big con I’d love to go to (when the world opens again) is New York Comic Con
If you weren’t a cosplayer, what would you be up to right now?
Oh man, I don’t even want to think about that 😂 probably something in the entertainment industry.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
I wouldn’t say interesting, but I’ve been enjoying all the memes about self isolation. Always a good laugh!

What is one message you would give to beginning cosplayers?
Just have fun with it and never make it a choir.
Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
I’m double jointed
You can check out Cosplay Chris on a wide variety of social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. And be sure to check his upcoming costume work for Ryan Unicomb on his upcoming Justice League Mortal documentary, “Seven Friends: George Miller’s Justice League.”