What “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” Means to Us

The time is finally here—the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Zack Snyder’s Justice League is just around the corner, and we the fans have won. To some people, such an event as a movie release may seem unremarkable—to them, this is just another superhero film put out there for the masses. However, to us, the fans, the Snyder Cut movement means so much more. It means integrity in art. It means the revival of a man’s hard, dedicated work. It means letting the fans’ voices be heard. It means united support for suicide prevention. It means retribution and justice—wrongs made right, cinematic history in the making. The release of the Snyder Cut means all of these things and so much more.
Here is what Zack Snyder’s Justice League means to us, the staff here at TCN.

Taylor Murphy (Editor-in-Chief): “The story behind the advent of The Snyder Cut of Justice League will likely go down in history as one that may be even more interesting than the film itself. For me, films have always been partly a welcome distraction from the world around us, but also as a means to learn and grow as a human being.
Personally, reading a story or watching a movie almost has no difference to me, but the movement that helped bring this film to fruition is almost as beautiful as Zack Snyder’s dedication at the end of this film. In Man of Steel, Jor-El told his son that ‘You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal.’ And that’s exactly what this movement showed the world. To me, this movie isn’t even a movie anymore… it’s a beacon of hope for those in need, it’s suicide awareness, and it’s a testament to the overwhelming capacity for good that people can show under the right circumstances. To put it simply, to me, Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the embodiment of hope.”

Jason Carmona (Editor): “The Snyder Cut, hopefully in the long term, means a return to WB’s historical identity as the creative powerhouse studio that it has been in decades past. Much like the Superman 2: Donner Cut before it, it has the potential to reemphasize that they ARE a studio that will go to great lengths to honor the director’s full vision and commit to their stance as ‘the director’s studio.’ From Eastwood to Donner, Nolan and now Snyder, the studio has established a stable of the most elite filmmaking minds ever and I hope that only grows from the release of this film. Also, the film represents US, the masses that never gave up on one man’s ability to envision the graphic novel in its purest form like no one before him and his love for both the mediums of film and comics – a true expression of his love for the art form. It means unity amongst the fans, to pull together and unify to bring attention to a growing crisis and how organizations like AFSP fight to help save lives everyday – everyone is special. It means, no matter how little you feel, every voice can be heard when we decide to speak up against injustice of all types.”

Shaun Tyr-El (Editor): “To me, Zack Snyder’s Justice League means retribution. It means being able to fulfill a promise. It means being able to see an artist’s true vision. What would The Pietà had been if Michelangelo had been forced to stop, or The Sistine Chapel? The culture in which I feel most connected, so called “nerd culture,” was robbed of an artist’s vision. To be a part of its restoration is truly inspiring. Striving for this, and for suicide prevention in Autumn Snyder’s name, has been an honor. I will watch all 4 hours of this film knowing it has brought good to the world. It isn’t just comic book superheroes that help save lives. It’s real life, every day people. Let’s #RestoreTheSnyderVerse and save more lives.”

TJ Bravo (Editor): “ZSJL is much, much more than a film. It’s a Hero’s Journey within itself. A tale of perseverance, relentless will, and a storm of support never seen before. From the tragic death of Snyder’s daughter, to the rebirth of a film that would’ve never seen the light of day without the thousands, if not millions, of fans around the world. From the loud minority on social media, to the silent crowds among the people offline, we fought for JUSTICE. Justice for the Snyders, the cast, the crew, to all those who have been wronged. For those who didn’t have a leg to stand on, we learned that when people actually do work together towards a goal, we undoubtedly can do wonders in this world.”
Michael Wayne (Editor): “To me, Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t all about seeing your favorite DC superheroes on the big screen, it’s also about seeing a director’s true vision come to life. Snyder’s passion for his films is unmatched and I can’t wait to finally see his Justice League film.“

Ben Hurley: “Zack Snyder is known to be one of the most polarizing directors of the generation. He’s directed several movies that have drastic opinions about them, both positive and negative. His films like Watchmen (2009), Man Of Steel (2013), and Batman v Superman (2016) have all received very divided reactions. These differing opinions on his films stem from Zack’s controversial takes on iconic characters, choosing to deconstruct their archetypes by asking dangerous questions and then seeking to answer them. Zack Snyder has always stuck to his vision regardless of criticism and that’s really commendable. Zack Snyder’s consistent drive to challenge our favorite heroes’ archetypes and explore them deeper, as well as his clear visions being the engine to his films, has inspired me as a writer and aspiring filmmaker.”

Josh Winchester: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League, to me, is the culmination of years of hoping and campaigning by the creator, cast and fans. It shows the power of working together for a common good, and through that work, bringing a little bit of magic back into the world. This movie represents so much of what the positive aspects of being a nerd and fan can achieve. Here’s to everyone who made this a reality, Zack, Deborah, the cast, crew, and of course, the fans.”
Frank Hoyle: “The Snyder Cut brought upon something we’ve never seen before within any fandom. And because of that, for many it’s not just a movie, it’s the coming together of millions of fans who fought for a director’s true vision to be realized, in an almost unprecedented way. Not only am I excited for the film as a lifelong Batman and DC fan, but I’m also excited for what’s to come because of this response. We the fans, we the people, are here to fight for what we want, and what others truly deserve. Our voices have been heard, the bell has already been rung, there is no going back…”

Peyton Taylor: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League is not only getting to see my childhood heroes truly brought to life, but also a testament to everything these heroes stand for: truth, justice, and compassion. The amount of pride I have for the Snyder Cut movement, how hard we fought, and how much we accomplished matches only the level of admiration I have for the Snyder family. This film means so much to me, not just because of my immense love for the characters, but for the ability of Zack and so many others to turn tragedy into something positive to rally behind. For truth. For justice. And for Autumn.“

R Abhishek Vishnu: “The #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement has shown that even in the face of the biggest corporations and internet trolls, anything is possible if people stand together and don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. It is endearing to see Zack Snyder and his fans living in a sort of a mutual relationship, supporting each other to keep pushing despite all odds. This is a historic victory and will be remembered for generations to come. All love to everyone involved in making this what it is today.”
Jacob Spencer: “To me, Zack Snyder’s Justice League and the Snyder Cut movement are about inspiration and love. The community it’s formed has created some of the deepest, most authentic bonds and done powerful, unprecedented work that transcends just the film’s release. Thursday, March 18th, 2021 will see a historic release of the culmination of a truly beautiful passion, love, and pain project and I can’t wait to celebrate with everyone. But more importantly, Autumn Snyder’s impact on the world will be known and felt by all soon enough. #IfYouSeekHerMonumentLookAroundYou.”

Franco Gonzalez: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League means more to us than just a film, more than just a director’s cut, and more than just a spectacle event. It means perseverance, it means retribution, it symbolizes second opportunities. It is a test that no matter the circumstances, the obstacles, or challenges that life throws our way, we can always rise again and fight back. The release of this film is an unprecedented event where a director and the fans united for a common fight—a fight against all detractors and roadblocks in order to continue the mythology of characters that many of us grew up with. This film is for the kid who has always wanted to be either Batman or Superman, it is for that adult who grew up with these characters and with the cores and values of doing what is right. The release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League means celebration. It means Us United. It means Justice.”

Ken Yambo: “Zack Snyder’s Justice League means a lot to me both personally and from an objective point of view. First and foremost, I have peers that have been through similar family tragedies that Zack and Deborah had to endure, so the light the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement casted on organizations such as AFSP has left an indelible mark on me and I will continue to advocate/contribute to the cause. Secondly, I remember the day I went to see Justice League in theaters. The aesthetic, tone, and just overall arcs for the characters that I have become accustomed to from Zack was thrown out quite literally within the first scene of the movie. I remember that empty feeling, almost as if I was robbed of a truly great experience. Fast forward to today and I just couldn’t be more thankful for two things: the first is we get a 4 hour epic Justice League movie and the second is that we get to see some cool redemption stories for everyone, especially Zack, Ray, Jared, Henry, and Ben. While we may not know what the future holds, the present brings us plenty to look forward to. We have stumbled, we have fallen, but in time we have joined you in the sun, Zack, to accomplish wonders. #SnyderCutReleased #RestoreTheSnyderVerse.”

In retrospect, for me personally, seeing how far the #ReleasetheSnyderCut movement has come in the years since its conception is truly awe-inspiring. When it began, we could have only hoped for a fraction of the film we have in store for us—Zack’s vision, completely unfiltered, unapologetic, and in all of its intended 4-hour glory. No one could have predicted the power of the fans to not only release a quality film, but to also right an egregious wrong done upon a man in mourning. Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the product of a passionate creator and the love and support of countless fans around the world, fittingly encompassing the hallmarks of justice and unity for artistic integrity and the greater good.
As Bruce Wayne said in the end of Batman V. Superman, “Men are still good. We fight. We kill. We betray one another, but we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to.” Together we have done that. We have rebuilt a passion project that was destroyed and left in ruins—fought for something that we weren’t just deprived of as fans, but also something a passionate auteur was deprived of as a creator. It may have taken time, but everything has led to this—the release of a film that is ultimately a product of love and resilience never before seen in cinematic history.
That, I firmly believe, is true justice.