[TCN’s Cultured Cosplay] BobbinColin

Welcome to another weekly edition of TCN’s Cultured Cosplay. In this series we recognize the hard work and talent of various cosplay artists and invite them to share with us their experiences and what makes them do what they clearly love doing.
We at TCN pride ourselves on only releasing verified news and releasing informative, inclusive content. We are a community of nerds doing what we are passionate about and hope to convey that passion to our readers and fellow nerds. In the latest volume of our Cosplay Interview column, we interviewed cosplayer bobbincolin.

Tell me about yourself and being first introduced to cosplay.
Hey!! My name is Colin and I’m a sixteen year old cosplayer from NC. I’ve been building costumes and props for about four years now and it’s my main hobby.
What got you interested in doing cosplay?
Just growing up with comics and movies and whatnot always had me interested in heroes and characters. I always thought making costumes and wearing them to conventions was the coolest thing, so eventually I found a local comic convention and did it myself!
What was your first cosplay?
Nightwing. A real bad one. Hahaha.
What was your favorite cosplay/technique you are most proud of?
Probably my eye and ability in regards to paints and color. If I’m confident in any ability I have, it’s to turn a not-so-hot looking piece into something presentable with an airbrush.

Do you have any upcoming cosplays you are excited about?
Honestly, I don’t particularly like to make “Cosplans”. Nowadays, I generally let opportunities fall in front of my face and I just play along with it. But I’m currently working on a “One Year Later” inspired comic Robin look that I’m excited to finish.
If money and time was no object, what is your dream cosplay?
Ah jeez, of all time? Arkham City Nightwing. That’s my forever favorite look of that character and no one really does it, I wanna be the first to conquer it.
What is your favorite experience from doing cosplay?
Probably when I got contacted by someone who worked on the Robin costume for the Titans tv series! That was super cool, he said he loved my take and invited me out to their shop. Still gotta do that eventually.

What is the most fun about cosplay?
Confidence? Yeah that sounds good. I don’t really think there’s one set thing about it, it’s all pretty great. But the sudden rush of confidence you get decked out in a full solid armor and spandex suit of your favorite super hero is a feeling to be matched.
What is the most difficult or challenging thing about cosplay?
Most difficult thing is the idea of constant improvement, outdo yourself every update, every new draft, every new suit. Gets tough, but it’s rewarding.
What do you like doing when you aren’t working on cosplay projects?
I love writing and digital art. I’m not too hot at either but they’re side hobbies I love to do and get better at. Always aspire to grow. Running in circles is boring.
What’s your biggest pet peeve at cons?
Probably busy halls. Especially at bigger conventions.
Which con would you most like to visit?
Eep, SDCC? Generic answer, I know. But can you blame me? Looks crazy.

If you weren’t a cosplayer, what would you be up to right now?
Probably working more on my writing, invest more time into that.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
That Pharrell is 47, can you believe it? That man hasn’t aged since 23.
What is one message you would give to beginning cosplayers?
Do what you want, at your own pace. And think outside the box!
Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
That I appreciate them for reading all this, haha. Thanks a lot! And thanks to TCN for having me!
You can support Colin by following him on Instagram.