[TCN’s Cultured Cosplay] Nelliceus

Welcome to another weekly edition of TCN’s Cultured Cosplay. In this series we recognize the hard work and talent of various cosplay artists and invite them to share with us their experiences and what makes them do what they clearly love doing.
We at TCN pride ourselves on only releasing verified news and releasing informative, inclusive content. We are a community of nerds doing what we are passionate about and hope to convey that passion to our readers and fellow nerds and in our debut Cosplay Interview column we continue our series with cosplayer Nelliceus.

Tell me about yourself and being first introduced to cosplay.
My name is Janelle. I am married and live in Houston Texas and currently work in the mortgage industry. I play roller derby and going to school for my masters. I was first introduced to cosplay when I was in college and attended the Dallas Comic Con in 2014. I saw all the amazing cosplays and thought I want to do that at some point. Unfortunately, it was hard to do while in college because I ran track and field so it waited until I graduated.
What got you interested in doing cosplay?
I have always enjoyed crafting and making things! So that mixed with my love for anime, video games, comics and basically pop culture helped.
What was your first cosplay?
My first official cosplay to a con was Riri Williams aka Iron Heart from Marvel Comics.

What was your favorite cosplay/technique you are most proud of?
My favorite cosplay as of right now is my 2d cosplay from Gorillaz because I get to be on skates! And I am still learning a lot about foam building but I really enjoy working with eva foam.
Do you have any upcoming cosplays you are excited about?
I am currently working on Inosuke from Demon Slayer! I am in the process of making his boar head mask which is a fun challenge. Also a disco version of Storm from X-Men.
If money and time was no object, what is your dream cosplay?
Probably a Spyro Armor themed cosplay! Complete with wings and lights and smoke!

What is your favorite experience from doing cosplay?
All the friends I have made while in this community! It has been truly a blessing to get to meet and befriend so many people like me.
What is the most fun about cosplay?
Definitely getting to become a character! Doing the poses acting like that character are truly the best!
What is the most difficult or challenging thing about cosplay?
Finding the time to work on projects I am excited about.

What do you like doing when you aren’t working on cosplay projects?
I love roller skating! I play roller derby so when I am not doing cosplay, work or school I am most likely doing derby!
What’s your biggest pet peeve at cons?
The main one is when people openly cough or sneeze without covering their mouths while taking pictures.
Which con would you most like to visit?
I would love to go to Katsucon or NYC Comic Con one year.
If you weren’t a cosplayer, what would you be up to right now?
I would probably still be doing DIY projects of some kind.

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
I am currently reading the Witcher series those books are full of interesting happenings.
What is one message you would give to beginning cosplayers?
Just be you! Go into your closet and put on what you have and cosplay. Cosplay is whatever you make it and anyone is welcome to join.
Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
I have been with husband for going on 10 years married for 5 and have two cute cats!
You can support Janelle, aka Nelliceus, by following her on her Instagram.