Its Official, National Treasure 3 is Happening

It is now confirmed that the long awaited Third National Treasure film is officially happening and will be released by disney studios from a script by Chris Bremner. The film will once again be produced by Jerry Bruckheimer with the principal cast expected to return.
According to Variety:
The “National Treasure” franchise, starring Nicolas Cage as amateur cryptologist Benjamin Franklin Gates, was a solid performer for Disney with $347 million worldwide for the 2004 original and $457 million for 2007’s “National Treasure: Book of Secrets.” The first film centered on a treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence; the second focused on missing pages in John Wilkes Booth’s diary.
Jon Turtletaub directed both films. Justin Bartha, Diane Kruger, Harvey Keitel, Armando Riesco and Jon Voight appeared in both films. Disney chief Bob Iger addressed the prospects for “National Treasure 3” at the annual shareholders meetings in 2016 and 2019.