Final Fantasy XV-2 Already Being Planned?


Yes, you read that right. Although Final Fantasy Versus XIII  Final Fantasy XV just got announced, it seems there was a subtle sequel hint placed in the reveal trailer that fans may have missed.

At the end of the recent trailer, the words “A World of the VERSUS Epic,” the line was later clarified by game director Tetsuya Nomura in a recent conversation with Japanese Magazine Famitsu.

“The story and the characters have not changed from the onset, However, in the trailer, there’s a line of narration that reads, ‘A World of the VERSUS Epic’, suggesting that Final Fantasy XV ushers in one climax of a planned, continuous story.”

Famitsu noted that it definitely sounded like he was implying there’s the possibility of a sequel in the planning stages, to which Nomura replied:

“If you make something this dense, it becomes an extraordinarily grand thing. There was an idea to drop the sheer volume and the density, but, in that situation, desired elements undoubtedly die, too.

“That’s why, I’m thinking in my mind of completing a successive work.”

Now keep in mind, he is indeed already vague on if this is definite confirmation or not, but he does raise some valid points as a game developer and story teller.

Does this mean we will more than likely see a Final Fantasy XV-2? Its too early to tell, but it does already sound like they are considering, if not planning, to make this a continued world that will be continually seen and explored.