Marvel’s 4 Netflix Series’ To consist 13 episodes each; Will Shoot In NYC Yesterday we saw the first update on Marvel’s upcoming 4 individual Netflix series’ (not including the “Defenders” mini-series to follow)… Continue reading “Marvel’s 4 Netflix Series’ To consist 13 episodes each; Will Shoot In NYC”…
Parmount Anounces Anchorman 2 will have three cuts of the film. By the beard of Zeus, it seems that nothing is able to stop Ron Burgundy and his Action Five news… Continue reading “Parmount Anounces Anchorman 2 will have three cuts of the film.”…
[Weekly Album Suggestion] Big Giant Circles-“The Glory Days” This is the start of my weekly musical suggestion, an article where I tirelessly scour the depths of the internet… Continue reading “ Big Giant Circles-“The Glory Days””…
Kevin Feige Talks Marvel’s Netflix Shows As stated in our previous article in regards to Dr Strange, Recently IGN caught up with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and got… Continue reading “Kevin Feige Talks Marvel’s Netflix Shows”…
Kevin Feige Talks Doctor Strange Last night, Marvel Studios held a screening for the launch of their highly anticipated Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King, which is… Continue reading “Kevin Feige Talks Doctor Strange”…
Twitch Streaming Finally Coming to Xbox One After a few months of delay, Twitch announced on their official blog that on March 11th (coinciding with the launch… Continue reading “Twitch Streaming Finally Coming to Xbox One”…
GODZILLA gets a new trailer Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures have released a new trailer for Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla. While still not giving any away plot… Continue reading “GODZILLA gets a new trailer”…
Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes PS4 and Xbox One versions get a Price Drop Its a rare thing to see a video game get a price drop before it even releases, but that’s what… Continue reading “Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes PS4 and Xbox One versions get a Price Drop”…
Batman: Arkham Origins DLC “DLC Cold, Cold Heart” Trailer Released We’ve known for a while that the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins DLC would feature Mr Freeze, but now thanks… Continue reading “Batman: Arkham Origins DLC “DLC Cold, Cold Heart” Trailer Released”…
Magical Game Time Magical Game Time – A web comic that will smack you right in the face with so many emotions you’ll… Continue reading “Magical Game Time”…