Fox moving forward with X-Force Movie. Cable and Deadpool confirmed? Earlier this week, had reported that Fox had registered the website, and with it, speculation began that Fox… Continue reading “Fox moving forward with X-Force Movie. Cable and Deadpool confirmed?”…
First Look at Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has hit Entertainment Weekly has now revealed the first offical look for Electro in the upcoming sequel, The Amazing Spider-Man 2. While… Continue reading “First Look at Electro in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has hit”…
Vin Diesel has now offically Meet With Marvel, Hints At Avengers 2 Role A couple of weeks ago, actor Vin Diesel announced through his Facebook page that Marvel Studios had requested a… Continue reading “Vin Diesel has now offically Meet With Marvel, Hints At Avengers 2 Role”…
First Poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier Hits the Web Although the upcoming sequel, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is still currently filming, with fans expecting to get a taste… Continue reading “First Poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier Hits the Web”…
Another Batman Easter egg from ‘Man of Steel’ revealed In a recent reveal from Empire Magazine, Man Of Steel Director Zack Snyder revealed a Batman Easter Egg that he… Continue reading “Another Batman Easter egg from ‘Man of Steel’ revealed”…
William Fichtner Talks More on TMNT; Reveals Shredder’s Real Name In This Movie A few weeks back it was revealed that actor William Fichtner would be playing the Iconic TMNT Villain The Shredder… Continue reading “William Fichtner Talks More on TMNT; Reveals Shredder’s Real Name In This Movie”…
The Latest (and probably final) Trailer for PACIFIC RIM hits the web Over the last several weeks Pacific Rim has been getting some harsh criticism throughout the web. Not because it was… Continue reading “The Latest (and probably final) Trailer for PACIFIC RIM hits the web”…
Sam Rockwell Talks Justin Hammer’s Return, May Possibly Be In AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D? While many cant argue that Iron Man 2 felt more of an Avengers Prologue rather than an actual Iron Man… Continue reading “Sam Rockwell Talks Justin Hammer’s Return, May Possibly Be In AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D?”…
Warner Brothers Officially Announces THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR’S EDITION After a few leaks and a couple weeks of speculation, Warner Brothers has officially revealed the upcoming Blu-Ray box… Continue reading “Warner Brothers Officially Announces THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR’S EDITION”…
Christian Bale will not be The Justice League’s Batman In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, actor Christian Bale was asked if he was planning on reprising the role of… Continue reading “Christian Bale will not be The Justice League’s Batman”…