The CW’s Flash TV Show may see Wally West in the future. The CW’s upcoming Flash TV show has already got a lot going for it. A few months ago the pilot… Continue reading “The CW’s Flash TV Show may see Wally West in the future.”…
JIM CORRIGAN AKA THE SPECTRE Joins NBC’s CONSTANTINE Just when you thought DC was already dominating TV with their comic book shows, they hit fans with another huge… Continue reading “JIM CORRIGAN AKA THE SPECTRE Joins NBC’s CONSTANTINE”…
First Look At ‘The Vision’ In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Promo Art In what could be one of the worst kept secrets surrounding the upcoming Avengers Sequel, THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON, we… Continue reading “First Look At ‘The Vision’ In THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Promo Art”…
Should Dwayne Johnson’s “Black Adam” be connected to the DC Film Continuity? Earlier this week it was revealed that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson will be playing none other than Black Adam in… Continue reading “Should Dwayne Johnson’s “Black Adam” be connected to the DC Film Continuity?”…
DC moving forward with a Supergirl TV Series With the obvious success of The CW’s ARROW, fans know that DC has begun moving forward in full force with… Continue reading “DC moving forward with a Supergirl TV Series”…
Dwayne Johnson Confirms Role as Black Adam Not too long ago, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson dangled a tasty little nerd tidbit in front of our collective noses… Continue reading “Dwayne Johnson Confirms Role as Black Adam”…
[Review] Doctor Who Season 8: “Deep Breath” *Spoilers* Spoiler Warning: Doctor Who, Season 8, Episode 1 “Deep Breath” spoilers to follow. The… Continue reading “ Doctor Who Season 8: “Deep Breath” *Spoilers*”…
Should DC and WB use the Multiverse as their continuity staple? Thanks to Marvel and their Marvel Cinematic Universe it seems everyone is scrambling to make some sort of Cinematic Continuity… Continue reading “Should DC and WB use the Multiverse as their continuity staple?”…
Liam Neeson Would Play Ra’s Al Ghul on Arrow “In a Heartbeat,” But should he? Over the past several years the CW has proven that they know what theyre doing with Green Arrow. Initially fans… Continue reading “Liam Neeson Would Play Ra’s Al Ghul on Arrow “In a Heartbeat,” But should he?”…
[Rumor] First Look at Han Solo in STAR WARS Episode VII Well they’re at it again apparently. Last night Indie Revolver broke the reveal of the Storm Troopers in STAR WARS… Continue reading “ First Look at Han Solo in STAR WARS Episode VII”…