Anthony Mackie talks playing the Falcon in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER

Anthony-Mackie While promoting his new film, Michael Bay’s Pain and Gain, Black Film caught up with Anthony Mackie and got him talking about his new role in the next Captain America Film as Sam Wilson AKA The Falcon, which has currently begun filming.

“I’m happy to say that I’m in a good deal of the movie and I play an integral part with Captain America taking down the winter soldier. It’s great. They started the shoot 2 1/2 weeks ago and once I finished doing press for ‘Pain & Gain,’ I go in and join them. I’ve been doing combat training and fitness training just to get prepared. It’s going to be something and I’m excited for it.”

When asked about the recent concept art for The Falcon that was revealed earlier this month with the release of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Collecter’s SetMackie stated this about the costume:

“They just released pictures of the costume last week. It’s more of a military style tactical costume. He’s more along the lines of Captain America as far as superhero as opposed to a true superhero.”


And when asked if he was familiar with the character prior to being cast Mackie replied:

“I had never heard of the Falcon. I knew nothing about him. Once they sent me the comic book and told me everything they wanted me to do, I read up some and looked up his story. I’m really excited. He’s a cool character and we need that. We that (black) superhero that looks like them.”

Then speaking with Collider, the actor revealed that he’ll be taking part in the upcoming filming that takes place in Manhatten Beach and Cleveland. And with the actor now having to slim down for the role (due to his bulking up for the role in Pain and Gain) the actor stated:

“Well, it’s more so a cardio thing now. I mean, you know, if you’re a super hero… I didn’t want to get too bulky. You know there’s a lot of limitations to how big I was for Pain and Gain, whereas with this I just want to be fit, you know. I just want to be in shape to where I can go in and do all the stunts and all the things I feel like I would need to do to bring this character to life. So, it all depends. I met with the studio very early on and I told them I was going to throw on some weight and get bigger and they said, “No, no, no, no don’t do that. Stay a smaller weight and we’ll figure out something character-wise.” So, you know, that’s kind of what it turned into.”

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is scheduled to hit US theaters in 2D and 3D on April 4, 2014.