ICYMI: “Paradise Lost” is officially out on PS4, Xbox One, and PC

Polyamorous Games and All in! Games have teamed up to make a post-apocalyptic world where most life seems to have ceased to exist post-world war II after having the Nazis launch nuclear missiles on most of Europe and have labeled it as the “Last Story on Earth”.
In an alternate version of WWII, the war dragged on for 20 more years only to end in flames when the Nazis launched nuclear missiles at most of Europe. In the aftermath, the heart of Europe remains shrouded in the mystery of complete destruction and deadly radiation, inaccessible to the rest of the world.
You are a 12-year-old survivor, wandering the barren, nuclear wasteland of Poland, looking for hope, when you come across a massive, abandoned Nazi bunker.
Descend into the bunker and find advanced industrial technology intertwined with mysterious Slavic pagan imagery. Make decisions that will shape your future as you work to uncover the secrets of the past and discover what happened to the bunker’s inhabitants.
The game follows a 12-year-old boy called Szymon, who is raised in a post-apocalyptic wasteland in Poland, who finds a massive, abandoned Nazi bunker in search of an unknown man from a photograph that his mother cherished. Follow Szymon he uncovers the secrets of the bunker and its history of its long-dead inhabitants with the help of a mysterious girl named Ewa.

The game aims to create a photo-realistic environment with real-time lighting and shadows as the player descends into an alternate timeline of history that has seen the world bear the brunt of decisions made by men in uniforms. It combines elements of Slavic mythology with retro-futuristic technology to create an air of uneasiness in the mind of the player as they explore areas where dead men now lay.

Paradise Lost is developed by PolyAmorous Games and published by All in! Games both based in Poland, Warsaw. The latter is also known for their hand in 2020’s cyberpunk-themed Ghostrunner and the former known for their latest contribution in the form of 2019’s Tools Up! which is a local co-op party video game.
How does Szymon come in contact with a girl in a bunker seemingly uninhabited for decades? Does he ever meet her? Is she the key to the answers sought by Szymon regarding the mysterious man?
Paradise Lost is available on GOG (All in! Games official platform), PlayStation Store and the Xbox store.
What do you think of Paradise Lost? Is this a game that you see yourself playing? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!