UsUnited: The Road to “Zack Snyder’s Justice League”

The Snyder Cut
Even aware of what transpired behind the scenes in 2017 it still amazing the differences we have already seen when comparing 2017’s Justice League to the upcoming Snyder Cut of Justice League. The marketing, mostly handled by Zack Snyder himself, has done an amazing job showcasing that the film releasing on March 18th is anything but a longer cut of the same movie released in 2017. With more character development among the core League members and a compelling storyline with Steppenwolf and the darker threat that looms. Those who watch this movie are in for an experience never before seen within the Superhero genre.
Despite all that has transpired to get to this moment there will undoubtedly be negative feedback from many who called the Snyder Cut a longshot or non-existent. All of this in an attempt to confirm their initial ignorant claims and throw a Hail Mary to keep any sort of credibility they have left. While it may be easy to get discouraged and give in to the divide we must remember all the good that has come over the past 3.5 years.
From highlighting the importance of Artistic Integrity to putting Suicide Prevention Awareness in the minds of thousands. The Release the Snyder Cut movement has been about so many great things, including, but not limited to, saving the lives of many who had lost their way. All of that is the true victory of what we fought for.
Now, because of that triumph, we are going to be rewarded when Zack Snyder’s Justice League is released worldwide for all to see in less than 10 days. After years of standing United and fighting alongside friends we will get to see the beauty of what Zack had envisioned on HBO Max.
To many this would be enough… But recent developments prove that the fight doesn’t end here.
Restore the Snyderverse
Since announcing the Snyder Cut would be released, Zack has been cagey at best when discussing the possibility of future installments and continuing what he started nearly a decade ago. That, however, hasn’t stopped fans from asking HBO Max and Warner Media to #RestoreTheSnyderverse.
Then just this past week fans were given a little more fuel when concept and story beats were revealed at an Exhibit in Dallas Texas where the early plans of Zack Snyder’s five film arc were showcased. These storyboards, as many are calling them, were created in a group effort with Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Chris Terrio and Zack Snyder himself.
For those concerned of potential spoilers of these boards, Snyder has confirmed that these are a glimpse of early ideas on where the story could have gone. He added that there is an additional board that he did not share, due to it lining up with where the current story was going.
What might be the most intriguing aspect of these boards is how they give credence to the claims of the meddling, foul play and backstabbing that occurred behind the scenes of Warner Bros. as early as 2015.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, now is not the time of finger pointing but rather a time of celebration and remembering what amazing feats we have overcome and the great achievements accomplished.
Tomorrow’s another day though and once Zack Snyder’s Justice League is officially released for the World to see, we will not only continue our march for AFSP but begin our push and fight to Restore the Snyderverse.

We Have No Fear!
To those of you who are new to this fandom or have decided to give the Snyderverse another shot we hope that you can stay open minded by ignoring the hate and tactics that will be used to tarnish this victory. Over the years many of us have weathered the constant attacks and negative narratives thrown at the movement. Throughout this time we grew stronger not simply from gaining numbers but by coming to the realization that together standing United we could accomplish anything we put our minds to.
So, as we march forward we welcome you all and are excited to be standing side by side as we continue our efforts of righting the wrongs of the past, saving the future and creating friendships.
We have no fear when it comes to the hate, we have no fear when it comes to the future.
We know standing as one, United, we can accomplish great wonders. #UsUnited #RestoretheSnyderverse
Join us and many others across the World on March 27th and 28th as we all take part in a streaming event called #UsUnited: More Than A Hashtag. During these two days we will be celebrating all that has been accomplished thus far but most importantly thanking Zack Snyder for he has done in creating such fantastic stories.

More information will be released in the coming days so make sure to check back and follow us on all the social networks.