Activison Takes Action Against Netflix

As of Friday, December 4th, Activison Blizzard is suing Netflix for poaching Spencer Neumann, Activision’s chief financial officer. Although Neumann started work for Netflix, he was still under contract at Activision overseeing their financial standings at the time.

Activison finally had enough of the disrespect after he continued to ignore his legal responsibilities with them and filed a lawsuit against Netflix to fix the hole Neumann created with their discrepancies that causes competitive harm.
This isn’t the first time Netflix has recruited executives while under contract with another business. They have had recruiting scandals from other big name companies such as Fox. Activison is asking the court to bar them from cross recruiting other officials within other company ranks. The final decision has yet to be revealed by the courts.
The two companies weren’t always at odds, as they had a working relationship in the recent past. In 2016 Netflix and Activison worked together to bring us Skylanders Academy, an animated series based off a video game that is still available on the streaming network. As it is right now, we probably won’t see any new collaborations from the two in the near future.
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Source Link: Activision Blizzard Suing Netflix Over Poached Exec (