Diamond Comics shuts down distribution of comics

Diamond Comics is the largest comic distributor that has been operational for over 30 years. The company has distributed books for companies such as Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, and many other comic publishers. Just recently, however, Diamond has announced it will cease the distribution of comics for the time being.
Founder of Diamond Comics Distributors Steve Geppi took to the Diamond Comics website to explain his decision to stop the weekly distribution of comics.
“As everyone knows, the world faces ever increasing challenges related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Its effects on the comics and collectibles and tabletop gaming industries have been felt far and wide. We are hearing from thousands of retailers that they can no longer service their customers as they have in the past. Many of them forced to close by government action or resort to in-person or curbside delivery. Even those still open are seeing reduced foot traffic in most cases, a situation that seems likely to worsen with time.”
That’s right folks, the COVID-19 cancellation train strikes again! This time on comics largest distributor.
He goes on to say:
“Our freight networks are feeling the strain and are already experiencing delays, while our distribution centers in New York, California, and Pennsylvania were all closed late last week. Our own home office in Maryland instituted a work from home policy, and experts say that we can expect further closures.”
Which then leads him to write:
“Therefore, my only logical conclusion is to cease the distribution of new weekly product until there is greater clarity on the progress made toward stemming the spread of the disease.”
So what does this all mean? He continues on to say:
“Product distributed by Diamond and slated for an on sale date of April 1st or later will not be shipped to retailers until further notice.”
How will this affect comic sales? Can comic book stores survive after this recently announced delay? Could this be the end of comics?! Stay tuned to The Cultured Nerd for all updates on this topic and many others.