Now Zachary Quinto and Roberto Orci talk about J.J. Abrams move to STAR WARS


Last week we heard from Chris Pine on the topic, now thanks to, we have an excerpt from the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly that catches both Actor Zachary Quinto (Spock) and the films writer Roberto Orci about their thoughts and feelings of the recent news of J.J. Abrams taking on STAR WARS EPISODE VII.

While Zachary Quinto sounded quite a bit more accepting, rather excited, and less worried about the idea of J.J. Abrams not coming back for STAR TREK:

I don’t think anybody feels like he’s going. We feel like he’s growing. J.J. surrounds himself with talented people, and if the day is coming where he has to hand off the director’s chair to someone, then we will all embrace that person and trust that [the new director is] the next best choice. We’re excited that is is being so bold and so declarative about what he wants to do and sees ways to bring his talent to a classic franchise — like Star Trek four years ago — that can use a fresh injection of new perspective. And we all benefit as moviegoers. And he’ll be around. He’ll still produce our movie even if he doesn’t direct it. And maybe there’s some version of this where [an upcoming Trek film] fits in [to the release calendar] in a way where he can come back around as director for us as well.

Roberto Orci even admits to having “a lump in his throat” about the whole thing:

For J.J. this is achieving a childhood dream. Star Wars is what got him in the business. So watching him go to his Super Bowl like this? It’s genuinely joyful for me. [But] as a guy who is in love with Star Trek and in love with this version of it? It puts a scared lump in my throat. It’s like hearing one of the band members is going to do a solo album. I know Star Wars is going to be better for it, and I suspect Star Trek will be fine with the rest of us still here.

Looks like not everyone is broken up on the idea, but either way, at least J.J. Abrams is getting the support he deserves for this exciting step in his career.