Xbox360 Version of Final Fantasy XIII Leaks Online.

With the countdown to Final Fantasy XIII less than a week away, it seems that some fans couldn’t wait that long.

Sites like FinalFantasyUnion and UffSite are reporting the news that the Xbox360 version has leaked online.

This seems to come as no real surprise for the Xbox gaming market with Modern Warfare 2 and Halo ODST having similar things happen to them in the past. Now with the game being out on the “market” for pirates to grab, we may end up seeing a slew of new Xbox live bans coming like they did before.

The sites mention that this most likely wont happen to the PS3 due to its Blu-ray system being so hard to rip and burn from and the addition of Sony’s hard to crack security software in place, and only happens to Xbox because it still relies on the DVD format.

Either way, this doesn’t bode well for Xbox once again because they may very well see a sales hit from this that Sony may not suffer from.