[SPOILERS] What exactly was cut from The Amazing Spider-man?

Since the release of the movie in theaters, fans have seemed to notice something, some of the scenes in the trailers don’t add up with the final movie. So what exactly was cut? And what could it have meant for the movie?


Spoilers follow the break:

*If you do not want key moments of the movie ruined for you, do not read any further.*

[SPOILERS] Rhys Ifans reveals who It WASN’T In the End-Credits Scene

In an interview with Rhys Ifans over at Ain’t It Cool News the actor has finally confirmed who he thinks that the “Man in the Shadows” (played by Michael Massee) was not (putting an end to a large amount of speculation) and goes on to hint who it could be:

Spoilers follow the break:

*If you do not want key moments of the movie ruined for you, do not read any further.*