Mel Gibson offers an update on Lethal Weapon 5

We’re still not too old for this…

A Lethal Weapon sequel reuniting Danny Glover and Mel Gibson as Riggs and Murtaugh is still in the works according to Gibson.

It’s been 26 years since the last Lethal Weapon film, but Mel Gibson seems very committed to making one final sequel. According to the actor plans to not only star in the film but direct it too. The movie will be based on a script by the late Richard Donner with some slight changes made by new writers to keep it a faithful sequel.

The fifth movie is said to be the final in the series of Lethal Weapon movies that started way back in 1987. Before Richard Donner’s passing in July of 2021 he was set to direct the fifth movie. Gibson confirmed in November of the same year that he would stepping into the director role for the film to honor the work by his friend Donner.

Here’s what Gibson had to say on the Inspire Me Podcast

I’m going to direct the fifth film in the Lethal Weapon series. You know, Richard Donner, who did the other four, sadly passed away. He was a good friend, and he kind of tasked me with carrying the flag home on that one. It’ll be an honor for me to do that…he had gotten a fair way into the screenplay, so we’ve used what was there, and we kept poking at it, working at it a little. I’m pretty happy with it, it’s good, I had a lot of fun doing it.

There seems to be a revival recently with the buddy cop films of old. Earlier this month the fourth Bad Boys installment was released and is set to become the second biggest sequel of the franchise with almost $300 million globally. In July Eddie Murphy will return to reunite with his co-stars for another Beverly Hills Cop movie to be released on Netflix. And Jackie Chan has also confirmed that a fourth Rush Hour movie is in the works.