Jaimie Alexander Suiting up for Return in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’

In the last 24 hours the Internet has gone wild with the overload of news from the Disney Investors Presentation. In addition to trailers dropping for a slew of Disney+ shows from Marvel Studios, juicy tidbits were released about casting decisions for some of the upcoming installments of the MCU.
Fans of the Thor film series will recall that a certain hardcore dual blade wielding warrior was absent from Thor: Ragnarok. Well worry not True Believers, because Lady Sif is coming back.
Jaimie Alexander will be appearing in the fourth installment, Thor: Love and Thunder. While the film does not hit theatres until 2022, news of this casting decision is sure to increase the already insane hype that has been building.
Thor: Love and Thunder is set to hit theatres May 6, 2022.
Source: Deadline