[DC Fandome 2020] Wonder Woman 1984 – Panel Recap

Kicking off DC FanDome with style is none other than the Wonder Woman 1984 panel. Joining the stream to answer questions and engage with fans are director Patty Jenkins, and cast members Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Pedro Pascal, and Kristin Wiig. Fans have been waiting with bated breath for the highly anticipated sequel to Patty Jenkins’ 2017 film. Jenkins describes the film as “spectacular” in scale, lending itself well for a theatrical debut, as opposed to the VOD releases many films have
From the jump, the cast takes video questions from fans all over the world, even a question from tennis superstar Venus Williams! Wonder Woman is a character that has struck the hearts of fans across the globe, especially as the first female-centered Superhero film on the big screen! Jenkins and the cast answered questions surrounding the difficulty of era-accurate costuming and set design for which they threw praise to Lindy Hemming the costume designer for Wonder Woman 1984. The panel also answered questions regarding inspirations for the film, what it was like working together as a cast, and many more wonderful insights into the behind the scenes of the production.

The cast described fight scenes between Wonder Woman and Cheetah as some of the most memorable of the shoot, including a moment during filming where the cast were left in uncontrollable laughter due to a mess up in the fight choreography. Fans are eager to see these iconic characters battle it out on the big screen after years of anticipation.
Linda Carter joins the steam near the end and the cast express pure excitement for her approval and encouragement. Carter touches on the impact of Wonder Woman as an icon and hero to thousands across the world after her daughter reacted so powerfully to the Gadot’s portrayal.

After a deep dive into some of the amazing fan art and cosplay made for the characters, Patty Jenkins unveils the second official trailer for the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984! The trailer reveals Gadot in several of Wonder Woman’s iconic get-ups as well as a first look at Wiig’s Cheetah in action!

The newly revealed trailer also highlights some more of the fantastic humor fans saw in the first trailer surrounding Steve Trevor’s character and the new era he finds himself in. The panel wraps up by expressing their excitement for fans to see the film, a sentiment echoed I’m sure, by everyone watching at home.
Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gal Gadot, Kirsten Wiig, Pedro Pascal and Chris Pine, and is set to debut worldwide on October 2nd, 2020. You can watch the newly revealed trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 below: