“Demon’s Souls” Receives 4K Remake for PlayStation 5

The cult hit Demon’s Souls from PlayStation 3 is getting more than just a restoration or a remaster; with the release of the trailer for PlayStation 5, it is clear the game will be a stunning 4K remake. Bluepoint Games, responsible for the masterful Shadow of the Colossus remake, is taking charge for Demon’s Souls as well.
The new remake recalls some of the original Demon’s Souls’ iconic points, such as the Tower Knight. As the classic game came out a decade ago, the 4K update will give old fans a nostalgic feel while looking stunning enough to capture a new generation of fans.
No release date was given with the new trailer, but rest assured Demon’s Souls will look better than ever once it is brought exclusively to the PS5.
Source: Game Informer