Apex Legends – Soirée Arcade Event

Apex Legends gives us another 2 week event to close out season 3, and I must say it looks exciting! Get ready for 7 new game modes rotating every two days.
- Gold Rush Duos – Duos with ONLY gold weapons. *cue fond memories of Golden Guns Only*
- LIVE.DIE.LIVE – If one squadmate is living, the others will automatically respawn. If one survives, the squad comes back at full strength!
- Third-Person Mode – Self Explanatory, will be fun to see the action in a 3rd person POV.
- Always Be Closing – The ring will be constantly closing, forcing the action within the safe zone. One can only assume the ring damage will be amplified for this mode. We’ll find out soon enough!
- Armed & Dangerous on World’s Edge – An oldie but goodie. Last years “Voidwalker” event of shotguns and snipers makes its way to World’s Edge.
- Kings Canyon After Dark – Return to Kings Canyon! At night! Without zombies!
- DUMMIEs Big Day – Instead of doing the glitch in the Firing Range, the DUMMIEs seem to be out for revenge. A little unclear at this point but it could be a survival type mode.
On top of the gameplay modes, there will be more to unlock during this event. Each mode will unlock a badge just for playing! Each mode will also have 3 challenges that rack up a total of 1,000 points. On top of that there will be a bonus scoring weekend starting from Friday Jan 17th 10am PST to Monday Jan 20th 10am PST.
The points earned in the Grand Soirée Arcade can be used to unlock 3 weapon skins, a Mirage skin, and more. There is also 6 Legendary skins being added to the core loot pool. Some will be available to be unlocked through purchase, crafting material, and lucky apex pack drops of course.
The event lasts from Tuesday Jan 14th to Tuesday Jan 28th, but remember each game modes only lasts for 2 days each!
So what are you most excited for? I’m really interested in the Third-Person Mode, Always Be Closing, and of course, the Return to Kings Canyon!