“Cloak & Dagger” Cancelled by Freeform After Only 2 Seasons

Freeform has released a statement about the cancellation of its Marvel show Cloak & Dagger after only two seasons, and just ahead of the premier of its crossover with Runaways:
“We are so proud of Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger and the trailblazing stories this series told. We are also grateful to our incredible talent Oliva Holt and Aubrey Joseph for bringing these beloved characters to life, and showrunner Joe Pokaski for his vision. We’d like to thank our partners at Marvel Television for a wonderful two seasons and are we are hopeful that we can find another project together.”
The announcement comes after it was revealed that Jeph Loeb would be stepping down from his decade-long position as head of Marvel Television. With Kevin Feige now overseeing the creative control of practically all of Marvel’s entertainment, we will continue to see whether or not remaining TV shows not under the Marvel Cinematic Universe banner will be able to survive.
Source: Comingsoon.net