PSN Original Show ‘Powers’ Gets Launch Date
Early last year, we reported that Sony was treading into the waters of self-publishing TV shows, following Netflix’s and Amazon Prime’s examples. The PlayStation Network is kicking off their productions with ‘Powers’, a show based off of an Icon Comics title by writer Brian Michael Bendis, who is also the executive producer of the show.

Yesterday, Bendis announced through PSN’s blog the release date and schedule for ‘Powers’. The first three of ten episodes will be made available on March 10th, with Episode One being free to watch for all PSN members in the United States.
The remaining seven episodes will be released every Tuesday until all the episodes are available. Episodes Two through Ten will be free for Playstation Plus members, and available for purchase for non-Plus members at $1.99 per episode and $2.99 per HD episode, according to Bendis’ personal Tumblr.
Episodes can be watched on PS3 and PS4 consoles, or on a PC at
As you may remember, when we announced that Sony would produce powers I said in the article (and I’m literally quoting myself here), “as someone who has read a large part of the series, I can safely say that if they do a pretty straightforward adaption of the comic, the show has the potential to be incredible.” I’m still thoroughly excited for this show, but I’m already concerned about how true to the comics it will be, particularly because of the casting.

Detective Christian Walker is being portrayed by actor Sharlto Copley, of District 9 and Elysium fame. Now, I loved Copley in District 9, but I more or less trashed him as a casting choice in my review of Elysium. Again, I call into question how well he would fit for a character. I reserve the right to change my opinion when I see the pilot, but as of this moment, I can’t picture the South African actor as born-and-bred American Detective Christian Walker, largely for reasons I’m hesitant to reveal because of potential spoilers.
Another main character, Detective Walker’s partner Deena Pilgrim, will be portrayed by actress Susan Heyward. I am not familiar with any of Heyward’s previous work, so we’ll have to wait for the show to see how well she brings the scrappy, tom-boyish sidekick to life.
As Brian Michael Bendis is directly involved with the production of the show, I have faith that the show will be nothing short but another one of his masterpieces, and my concerns about the show will shortly be allayed come March 10th. Until then, check out the trailer below:
[youtube id=”e1yNhPGrOFY” width=”600″ height=”350″]