Google Announces Android Wear

Google-Android-Wear-smartwatch-001Google recently revealed on their Official Blog that they are expanding their wearable computing from the Google Glass to also include a new set of watches.  Using their recent acquisition of Motorola, the tech giant will be releasing a number of different models to compete with the likes of Samsung in the smart watch market.


The new devices will use voice controls similar to Google Glass to do web searches, and to find local information simply by saying “Ok Google” and then what you want.  The device also uses the microphone to listen to sounds around you, to anticipate what information you might want or need, before you ask for it.

You can check out the promotional video and developer preview to find out more.  As of now, no retail release date has been announced, but the developer preview SDK is out now so app developers can start working with the features in preparation for the future launch.

Announcement Video:

[youtube id=”QrqZl2QIz0c)” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Developer Preview:

[youtube id=”0xQ3y902DEQ” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Source: Google’s Official Blog