Yesterdays Star Wars Episode VII rumors have now been debunked

yavin4Yesterday news was posted about possible plot details for the new and upcoming STAR WARS Episode VII, unfortunately it seems a little premature.

Bleeding Cool uncovered that the site had reached out to reporter Mike McDonald who posted the original article on Reuters. Turns out this is what they found:

“This was a mistake. I misunderstood what fan clubs had told me and shown me in book plots and that storyline has not been announced by Disney. Perhaps I should have written something along the lines of ‘Yavin 4 appears in several Star Wars book plots and while Guatemala fans said they hope film crews return to Tikal, the company has not announced plans for the new episode.'”

Now the Reuters article now features a correction as part of their story. So here we are again, with nothing to report about what on Earth is going on with STAR WARS Episode VII.