What did Tron Legacy’s Epilogue Videos reveal about TRON 3?


Tron 3 seems to be a huge hot button topic right now. With its production finally moving forward thanks to Disney now hiring a new writer, and even getting comments from Garrett Hedlund and the director Joseph Kosinski about their involvement.

But where will it go?

Back when Tron Legacy first released on DVD/Blu-Ray there was a couple videos that were produced for the sole purpose of playing the roles of Epilogue and prologue for Tron Legacy and the upcoming Tron 3.

The first video, “The Epilogue”, was a video titled Tron: The Next Day, shows a little more back story for the film Tron Legacy, and set the stage by explaining Sam Flynn’s return to Encom, Alan Bradley’s new position, and even bringing back Roy “Ram” Kleinburg to Encom.

The second clip however, was more elusive and intended to be the spark that lights the fire for the sequel. This clip sheds more light on the character of Dillinger Jr, and reveals that his plans and job at Encom are not what they seem.

Rumors surrounding the films production seem to point towards the plot of Tron 3 being about the Dillinger’s seeking revenge and the advent of the MCP’s return.

While nothing is confirmed as of now, fans can now only speculate based on what we have seen.