Spartacus’ Manu Bennett Cast As Deathstroke On ARROW

In what most would consider some amazingly inspired casting, Manu Bennett, known for his role as Crixus in Spartacus, has offically been cast as Slade Wilson/Deathstroke on the CW’s ARROW.
Although Deathstroke has already appeared in the in a brief cameo of his mask on the first episode, and a small introductory scene in another flashback previously played by stuntman Jeffrey C. Robinson, ARROW’s Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed in a recent interview that the character would indeed be returning in this seasons 9th episode.
Rumors now suggest that now with Bennet claiming the role of Slade Wilson, Deathstroke will now be returning to confront Green Arrow in present day Starling City, and that Bennet will be taking this role for several episodes.
Arrow is currently on The CW Wednesday nights at 8pm Est and you can check out and catch up on the entire show at Hulu.