“The Boys” Showrunner Discusses Season 2 And What Fans Can Expect In Season 3

Eric Kripke, creator and showrunner for The Boys, recently sat down with Variety to discuss the chaotic events of Season 2 of The Boys. *Spoilers Ahead*
Kripke begins by talking about Stormfront‘s (Aya Cash) reveal as a Nazi and what her goal were now that she is a member of The Seven. Stormfront being a member of the Nazi party was revealed during the season and it was also shown that she ages very slowly. Her new plans were to talk to citizens about modern day white genocide. There was a lot thought that went into the character’s motives and this is what Kripke had to say:
“That character is a legitimate Nazi who comes out of the Nazi party and who ages very slowly. And so that was the character I walked into the Season 2 writers’ room with. I felt, through that, we could say a lot of things I wanted to say about white nationalism and white supremacy, and really take aim. What we found was the modern face of hate — especially online and social media-driven hate — is actually quite attractive: It’s a lot of good-looking, young men and women who couch these really despicable notions in this branding of ‘We’re just free-thinkers’ and ‘We don’t fit in with the mainstream because we’re telling the truth.’ But it’s the same old s— that people have been pitching for thousands of years.”
While Cash’s performance was amazing, Stormfront unfortunately didn’t make it out of Season 2 alive. She was killed by Homlander‘s (Antony Starr) son Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) after he used his laser vision on her to save his mom. While he did end up stopping Stormfront from killing his mom, he ended up being the reason for her death as he also hit her with his laser vision.

Stormfront’s past was a nice surprise, but the last scenes were mind-blowing (pun intended). Close to the end of the season we got to witness a massacre as member of Congress mysteriously had their heads explode. These events were eventually blamed on Stormfront, but nobody, including Homelander, had any idea who was really behind the attack.
The shocking reveal came in the closing moments of the season as it was revealed that Congresswoman Victoria Neuman (Claudia Doumit) was the one responsible. This is what Kripke had to say about the reveal and how they were able to set it up:
“We worked really hard on that character to really feel like she’s going to be an ally, but from the beginning we knew that she was the head-popper. Actually, if you watch Episode 1, they’re in the van after Raynor’s head pops, and they’re saying, “Who could do this?” and we cut to Victoria Neuman. So we’ve been dropping in clues from the beginning that it’s her.”
That was huge way to end the season and it already has fans of the show talking about what we could see in Season 3. With Congresswoman Nueman hopefully playing a big part in the next season, Kripke says “having broken most of Season 3 I think we have a pretty good idea of where her story goes and why she’s doing what she’s doing.”

Kripke was also asked about how Soldier Boy (Jensen Ackles) will be introduced into the show and what fans can expect from the character. Kripke goes on to mention that will Soldier Boy, we will get to see some of the history with Vought. He does mention that Soldier Boy has been around and was “Homelander before Homelander“. Soldier Boy does exist in the comics, but it seems we may be getting something extra added to the character in Season of The Boys. This is what Kripke said about Soldier Boy:
“I think anyone expecting Jensen to show up and be a good guy, they will be disappointed. I’ll say that! In the comics he’s mostly just kind of bumbling and subservient to Homelander, I would say. As we’re writing him in this, we’re getting to really talk about the history of Vought because he’s like John Wayne: He’s one of these guys that’s been around for decades of Vought history. And he was Homelander before Homelander, so he’s from a different era, but he’s got the ego and the ambition — it just comes across in a different way because he’s from a different time.”
You can check out Eric Kripke’s full interview with Variety by clicking here. Season 3 of The Boys seems like it will filled with tons of cool new stuff and hopefully some more twists and turns just like Season 2. If you haven’t watched Season 2, but still managed to read through all the spoilers, you are missing out and need to catch up on The Boys.
What are your thoughts on everything Eric Kripke talked about? Are you excited to see Jensen Ackles on the show? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Variety