[TCN’s Cultured Cosplay] Sara Moni

Welcome to TCN’s Cultured Cosplay interview series. We at TCN pride ourselves on only releasing verified news and releasing informative, inclusive content. We are a community of nerds doing what we are passionate about and hope to convey that passion to our readers and fellow nerds and in our debut Cosplay Interview column we start our series with cosplayer and model Sara Moni.

What got you interested in doing cosplay?
I started cosplaying in 2010, but in my love for costuming stemmed from not growing up with Halloween. In high school, I’d make t-shirts and modify pants and other accessories. Two years later, I joined the Arizona Avengers, and being involved in charity with cosplay really took it to the next level for me. I was surrounded by people who liked costuming and liked doing it for a good cause. Since we do so many events throughout the year, and not just for cons, it motivated me to get some more variety in my closet.
What is your favorite cosplay technique you are most proud of?
I do a lot of bodypainted costumes, and over the years I’ve really sharpened that skill! After doing Gamora so often, I really got experience in different types of paints, brands, and application techniques. Also, I learned that what works for one person won’t always work with another. People have different skin types, different environments they are wearing the paint in, and different longevity needs.

Do you have any upcoming cosplays you are excited about?
I have a lot of remakes of previous costumes in mind, some mashups and more DC! As always, I like to keep it secret until the big reveal!
If money and time was no object, what is your dream cosplay?
I have already done my “dream” cosplays, but if money and time was no object, I would love to tackle Surge from the X-Men, and I’m sure I will eventually! Her electro-channeling gauntlets would be a challenge to build and that makes for an exciting project!

What is your favorite experience from doing cosplay?
Probably moments from charity events with the Arizona Avengers! They are an Arizona based Marvel charity costuming group that assists with fundraisers, food and toy drives, hospitals and comic shops for good causes and great events. We do comic related events in addition to charity ones, but predominantly we work with positive causes for the community.
What is the most fun about cosplay?
I love growing my skillset or learning something new with each cosplay I make. There is always the discovery of new characters or new variations of a familiar character. Also, there is the community itself. As you interact with people who recognize your cosplay, or that you follow or admire, you get to have a bond with so many.

What is the most difficult or challenging thing about cosplay?
Time. It takes a lot of time and energy to put together most costumes and if you work or go to school full time, have a family, or any other obligations, it can be a lot to juggle! If you are a cosplayer with a social media presence, that can also add another layer of costuming involvement that sucks up a ton of time! Try to have balance to keep it fun and not get burnout!
What do you like doing when you aren’t working on cosplay projects?
I really enjoy downtime with family and friends, but I also like going to new restaurants and trying new wines. I wouldn’t say I’m a full-blown foodie, but I’m about there! My favorite wine type is Cabernet Sauvignon.
What’s your biggest pet peeve at cons?
When people ask for a picture and either don’t have a phone/camera ready or someone to take it. Right behind that is being asked for a photo on a clear break time, either eating or talking on the phone. Please be considerate, congress!
Which con would you most like to visit?
I would love to go to any international con! London would probably be my first pick since I don’t have to worry about a language barrier and I’ve always wanted to visit England!
If you weren’t a cosplayer, what would you be up to right now?
I would probably be heavier into fashion and accessory design. I would still be in the field of doing something creative or one of a kind. With digital storefronts, it’s so easy and low risk to open a store and create things that could appeal to an audience you never thought possible!

What is one message you would give to beginning cosplayers?
Take your time. Don’t rush a costume, otherwise it will only be associated with frustration and stress. Start small or start early for a big project. Do research, see what others have done, how they did it, look at art or references. Keep in mind that at the end of the day, you need to do what you want and not what you think others want to see.
What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
On Friday here at C2E2, Silk was announced for a new run! (Finally!) And I happened to bring her here to the con! What a coincidence!
Anything else you would like our readers to know about you?
I’m really thankful to be able to do what I do, and to have an audience of ANY size that enjoys it as well! It is still surreal to me and I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Thank you and much love!
Sara’s upcoming Convention schedule:
- C2E2 in February (Currently attending)
- Wondercon in April
- CA Ren Faire in April
- Phoenix Fan Fusion in May
You can show your support and follow Sara Moni on her Instagram, Twitter, and on Vero.