Christian Bale will not be The Justice League’s Batman


In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, actor Christian Bale was asked if he was planning on reprising the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman for the upcoming JUSTICE LEAGUE film. While its common knowledge at this point that David Goyer believes that the Batman that exists in the Man Of Steel film universe (and Justice League for that matter) Bale himself stated that he time as the Caped Crusader is now over.

“I have no information, no knowledge about anything. I’ve literally not had a conversation with a living soul. I understand that they may be making a Justice League movie, that’s it.”

“It’s a torch that should be handed from one actor to another. So I enjoy looking forward to what somebody else will come up with.”

While I do agree with the masses that Christian Bale, and the Batman Films he starred in, quite possibly make for some of the greatest Superhero films ever to hit on screen, I for one agree with Bale. It is time for something new. and hopefully what we get is more akin to the spirit of comic’s version than anyone has previously seen.