New “Freightliner” Revealed for Transformers 4. Is this Ultra Magnus? Michael Bay has revealed yet another new character for his upcoming film Transformers 4, and with it comes a whole… Continue reading “New “Freightliner” Revealed for Transformers 4. Is this Ultra Magnus?”…
Why is Vin Diesel Meeting With Marvel Studios? Last night on his Facebook page, Actor Vin Diesel shocked fans when he revealed the following: Notice the text from… Continue reading “Why is Vin Diesel Meeting With Marvel Studios?”…
Henry Cavill Doesn’t Think That A JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie Is Going To Be Just “Around The Corner” In a recent interview with ABC NEWS (shared via Digital Spy), Man Of Steel lead Henry Cavill addressed the recent… Continue reading “Henry Cavill Doesn’t Think That A JUSTICE LEAGUE Movie Is Going To Be Just “Around The Corner””…
Terence Stamp Interrupts MAN OF STEEL Discussion In Movie Theaters Rest Room? For those of you who don’t automatically recognize the name Terence Stamp, the acclaimed actor is best known for… Continue reading “Terence Stamp Interrupts MAN OF STEEL Discussion In Movie Theaters Rest Room?”…
William Fichtner is playing The Shredder in ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ In a reveal that probably result in many fans being torn between their feeligns, it has been revealed that… Continue reading “William Fichtner is playing The Shredder in ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’”…
Paramount Moving Forward With World War Z Sequel, Possible Trilogy In The Plans TheHollywoodReporter has broke the news that Paramount is moving forward with not only a sequel, but they’re planning to take… Continue reading “Paramount Moving Forward With World War Z Sequel, Possible Trilogy In The Plans”…
This Is How The Film WORLD WAR Z Originally Ended The Film World War Z has been making its rounds this past weekend since its release on Friday, but many… Continue reading “This Is How The Film WORLD WAR Z Originally Ended”…
Robert Downey Jr. Will Return As Iron Man In ‘The Avengers 2′ and ‘The Avengers 3′ But Probably Not Iron Man 4. Its been pretty much the biggest question on everyone’s minds at the end of Iron Man 3, Will Robert Downey… Continue reading “Robert Downey Jr. Will Return As Iron Man In ‘The Avengers 2′ and ‘The Avengers 3′ But Probably Not Iron Man 4.”…
Man Of Steel Superman Comes to Injustice: Gods Among Us as a DLC Skin At this point we all know that Zod is coming to Injustice: Gods Among Us as their next DLC character,… Continue reading “Man Of Steel Superman Comes to Injustice: Gods Among Us as a DLC Skin”…
[Review] World War Z World War Z is a thrilling, summer popcorn film. Brad Pitt, despite being very comfortable in the role, is very… Continue reading “ World War Z”…