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A New Sequel to Tim Burton’s Batman is Coming

Batman: Resurrection will continue the story of Tim Burton’s Batman in a duology to be released on October 15th.

The books are written by New York Times bestselling author John Jackson Miller, who is known for his work on a plethora of science fiction books and comics ranging from Star Wars to Star Trek. His latest work, Batman: Resurrection, takes us back to the world of the Batman that we first encountered in Tim Burton’s 1989 superhero hit Batman.

We’ve had a few continuations to Burton’s Batman in recent years, first in comic book form with Batman ’89 and most notably last year with the return of Michael Keaton to the role in The Flash. Batman: Resurrection will take place shortly after the events of the 1989 movie exploring it’s aftermath.

The Joker is dead, but not forgotten. Gotham City is saved, but it is still not safe. By night, its new symbol of hope, Batman, continues his fight to protect the innocent and the powerless. By day, his alter ego, Bruce Wayne, wonders whether there may someday be a future beyond skulking the city’s rooftops or the cavernous halls of his stately manor alongside the ever-dutiful Alfred Pennyworth.
But even after death, the Clown Prince of Crime’s imprint can be seen in more than just the pavement. Remnants from The Joker’s gang are leading wannabes fascinated by his bizarre mystique on a campaign of arson that threatens the city—even as it serves greedy opportunists, including millionaire Max Shreck. And survivors of exposure to The Joker’s chemical weapon Smylex continue to crowd Gotham City’s main hospital.

To quell the chaos, Batman needs more than his cape and his well-stocked Utility Belt. Bruce Wayne is forced into action, prompting a partnership with a charismatic scientist to help solve the health crisis. But as he works in both the shadows and the light, Bruce finds himself drawn deeper into Gotham City’s turmoil than ever before, fueling his obsession to save the city—an obsession that has already driven a wedge between him and Vicki Vale. The loyal Alfred, who had hoped Bruce’s efforts as Batman could help him find closure, finds the opposite happening. Nightmares begin to prompt Bruce to ask new questions about the climactic events in the cathedral, and investigations by Commissioner Gordon and reporter Alexander Knox into the arsons only amplify his concerns.
Having told the people of Gotham City that they’d earned a rest from crime, Batman finds the forces of evil growing ever more organized—and orchestrated—by a sinister hand behind the scenes. The World’s Greatest Detective must solve the greatest mystery of all: Could The Joker have somehow survived? And could he still have the last laugh against the people of Gotham City?

Batman: Resurrection comes out in hardcover, kindle and audio book on October 15th. Head over to ComicBook to read an exclusive excerpt right now.